Saturday, December 22, 2012

Sandy Hook

I thought it appropriate to be respectful and wait at least a week before posting again out of regard for the tragedy at Sandy Hook. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims and their families as they deal with this tough time, and for the Fire EMS and Law enforcement personnel who witnessed the horrific scene and must investigate it to discover the motives behind such an act.

I ask to all to not jump on the media band wagon, do your own research regarding these laws your politicians want to put in place. I found it totally disgusting that people such as Mayor Bloomberg were already attempting to turn this massacre as a justification for gun grabbing and getting on the airwaves before even all the victims were buried...

Out of respect for the families i will not debate my opinion regarding this tragedy at all, it is not appropriate to use 6-8 year olds deaths as political rhetoric, especially so soon.

To all, it may be difficult with this event so fresh in our minds still but i wish everyone a Merry Christmas, I and other first responders will be doing what we do best even though it's holiday season, stay safe, lock your doors, and pray for a White Christmas this year.

for this post i decided to end it with a quote in addition to the regular song of the week...
" Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first" - Mark Twain

Song of the week: Ain't no Reason Brett Dennen

Friday, December 7, 2012

Medical Provider

Officially passed my course to become an Emergency Medical Provider in my state and now have my card in hand. Looks like i'm moving up in the world...

On another note:

When on midnight patrol with an officer working the rural area of our jurisdiction, we came upon an extremely low hanging tree branch over the road. The officer then, i kid you not, pulls over, turns on his lights and pulls a hacksaw from the backseat and proceeds to cut this two and a half inch or so tree branch off the tree and toss it on the side of the road.

When i asked why the hell he keeps a hacksaw in his trunk he replied "cause the city maintenance guys ain't gonna do it, and we're out  in the countryside anyways"

While this was hilarious to watch the rural end is quite boring especially on a 10pm-6am shift, i prefer to run in the areas where every officer keeps a patrol rifle in their trunk and every call requires lights and sirens. Around other areas that morning were reports of shots fired and car pursuits while we sat relaxing and surfing the web...

 My Fire Company has been running fire calls like no other as of recently, we have so far worked in the past two weeks a fatal house fire, 6 other dwelling fires of sorts, and 3 significant car wrecks which all required transport to the nearest Level I trauma center (the highest level of care) and we have nearly lost a piece of fire apparatus several times to idiotic drivers when we are backing our pieces back into the station. It seems that an engine or a large SUV or pick-up truck with it's lights on is not a cue to stop your car and allow them to maneuver but to instead floor it past them, nearly severely injuring the driver of the fire vehicle in the process...

Song of the Week: Call You Out- Flyleaf