Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Falling by the wayside

Wow...it's amazing how many people have dropped out of one of my fire department courses already, about a 30% dropout rate so far, and we are expected to lose several more by next week. I guess this line of work just isn't for everyone... As for interesting things that have occurred so far? I am in the process of driver training for the ambulances at my fire company, once i am approved to start i plan on hitting the ground running and getting cleared as an EVO (emergency vehicle operator) as soon as possible... look for videos in the future on fire calls as i try to figure out this crazy helmet camera i was given for my turnout gear!

See y'all around, hopefully not in the back of my ambulance...


Song of the Week: Fury Oh Fury By Nico Vega

Monday, March 4, 2013

Hysteria in Schools

Let me just dive right in to my rant; Has anyone else thought about how ridiculously over-reactive schools are nowadays? it is understandable to be more vigilant after recent events, but there comes a point when we are just inhibiting and punishing children's attempts to grow, experiment, and learn to adapt and react appropriately to their environment. I speak about this as lately i have seen that a child in Maryland was suspended for BITING A PASTRY INTO THE SHAPE OF A FIREARM, REALLY?! among other things kids lately have been suspended or warned about playing tag, and bringing a hello kitty toy gun that blows bubbles to school. Now the worst of these offenders would be a school in Florida that suspended two teenagers for several days, when they intervened in what could have been a lethal encounter on their school bus. Another student aimed a .22 caliber handgun at someone's head while on their school bus, and these two brave teenager tackled the suspect and disarmed him, possibly saving a life. The school system deemed it necessary to suspend them because it is their policy to apparently suspend anyone involved in a violent incident... reading such idiotic words gave me a head rush.
Rant over.
I'd like to hear my readers thoughts on this...


Friday, March 1, 2013

Long Night...

Nothing quite like getting puked on, coated in blood and bleach, and run with less than two hours of sleep for more than 6 emergency calls in a 24 hour span... Just another day in the life of a firefighter.

Song of the Week: Kitten Air by Scott and Brendo