There's not much more of an "Oh S***" moment in EMS i've had recently than receiving a call for an unconscious overdose, we arrive on scene and start prepping to inject the person with Naloxone (otherwise known as Narcan) when several police officers step into the room and the crew from an engine that was dispatched as well, and tell us to be careful if he stirs before we inject him. Why? because this person's drug of choice according to relatives was PCP, thankfully yours truly did not get put through a window by a crazed drug addict, the call was handled well and we all got to go home safely. PCP will always be a drug that puts me on edge if i am dealing with someone who has consumed it in some manner, simply because of the rage it causes and the lack of pain the person feels while under its' effects.
On a separate note, please pray for Houston Fire Department and the family members who lost 4 firefighters recently on a 5 alarm building fire, it's heartbreaking to hear of so many in one day, at one incident, make the ultimate sacrifice.
Song of the Week: Black Rebel Motorcycle Club- In Like The Rose