Thursday, August 8, 2013


People who know me are aware that i am a BIG proponent of the wearing of seat-belts, i wear them in the back of the engine and medic units, i wear them in my POV (personally owned vehicle), and no one is allowed in any vehicle i am driving if they won't wear one. This zeal of mine was recently reinforced from a wreck i worked on the highway just a few days ago, two teenagers were driving down the interstate when the right rear tire blew out, causing them to swerve across the highway into a ditch, and then roll their vehicle about 5 times at 80 miles per hour. I responded from station in our engine fully expecting to be working a traumatic cardiac arrest and yet when i arrived on scene both patients had self-extricated from the car and were able to sign refusals, and walk away with just minor cuts and bruises. After inspecting the car, i had little doubt that had they not been wearing their seat-belts it would have been a MUCH different turnout to the story. Most likely one if not both of these teenagers would have been ejected from the car, and would have suffered severe internal and external injuries. If surviving a vehicle rollover at highway speeds in a compact car is not enough of an incentive to wear your seat-belt, i honestly do not know what to tell save lives folks, please buckle up before you hit the road, so that maybe you won't find yourself laying on my stretcher later on.
(should i get the clearance from my company to upload a picture of the car i will update this post with it, so my viewers can see just how effective the safety features in new cars are, if actually used by occupants)

That's my rant for this time...feel free to post up with questions or requests to hear my opinion on anything, should the mood strike you all.


Song of the Week: Born to Rise by Redlight King